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The L.V.N.V.N.F.P. H-R-C. Project

The Las Vegas, Nevada Not-for-Profit Hotel-Resort-Casino Project was a decade long investigation into designing an arts-focused casino for Las Vegas, Nevada.


The central concept for the project was to build a casino that used its profits to fund independent and emerging artists.  For a two-year period, selected artists would receive a stipend for their living and art expenses generated by the revenue collected by the hotel-resort-casino.


In addition to the casino's arts-focus, it was designed to be an industry leader in green technology. 


The project is "definitely unfinished"


Later, evolutions of the project were titled under "Recycle Las Vegas', once it was deemed unfeasible for any environmentally sensitive structure to exist in Las Vegas, Nevada.


Recycle Las Vegas promoted the re-use of Las Vegas design into more sensible, earth-friendly structures.

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